Kolb Racing Streamliner
I worked on some CFD simulations for Scott Kolb's land speed record motorcycle

ISO view of bike
It was already built so I was just simulating to get some pictures for him but long term goal of this project is to validate my Ansys fluent process with data he collects from his wind tunnel testing (wheel spats removed in simulation due to meshing) I ran into significant trouble when first working on this project and trying to get a good mesh due to high order nurbs which Ansys did not like very much.

Stream lines on the bike
Because of the super low CD (estimated at 0.075 still unknown due to poor mesh) stream lines don't show much

You can see a build up of high pressure air right at the nose of the bike and right in front of the wheels and a low pressure zone right near the largest part of the bike as well as right underneath in the area between the bike and ground all of which is expected.


Messing around with iso surfaces to show turbulent air

Messing around with iso surfaces to show turbulent air (difference in pictures is due to difference in pressure modeled)