Formula SAE tri-element rear wing
This is a brief overview of the wing and its major components a deeper dive into many of the elements and process to evaluate the wing can be found on the other pages.

iso view of the wing system
The wing is tri element and is supported by swan necks.


Wing structure
Each airfoil element has an internal structure to help the skin maintain its shape. The primary element is the main structure of the wing, it is where the wing is connected to the chassis of the car.

Wing elements
The wing elements were chosen based on initial down force and drag requirements for the car set by the vehicle dynamics team.

Wing endplate
Notch to reduce vortices, swept at front and bottom edge to reduce vortices ,size maximized to hold low pressure and allow for ease of serviceability of car critical systems such as drive train and accumulator.

Wing endplate flow vis cfd showing a vortex

CFD sim showing pressure

Wing endplate manufacturing, water jet TeXtreme spread tow weave carbon sandwich panels with aluminum and 3d printed inserts

Swan necks
Swan necks for reduced disturbance to the low pressure side, increased rigidity and easy maintenance compared to legacy system, angled inwards for increased lateral rigidity.
We thought of doing water jet aluminum swan necks instead of carbon but quickly ruled them out for performance reasons.

Swan necks and a-fish fresh off the water jet.

Swan neck to roll hoop mounting tabs

Swan neck to roll hoop mounting tabs

Unfinished rear wing on the car!
and John